being a speaker at iccfa 2018: modernizing the funeral industry

Being a Speaker at ICCFA 2018: Modernizing the Funeral Industry

It’s never been more apparent that the funeral industry is ready to make a change.

I just want to thank you for helping us have the most amazing ICCFA show yet. Maybe because it was in Vegas, or possibly because my talk had a way better attendance than I was expecting, or maybe – just maybe – we have luckily stumbled upon something that owners really have a need for. Whatever it was, Sin City was great (minus the blackjack tables).

If you didn’t get a chance to stop by the Parting Pro booth this year, you missed out. These guys will tell you that there was magic in the air around the Parting Pro booth:

iccfa magic tricks

There’s been a big push from us lately in trying to warn anyone that will listen that the Internet Generation is coming for the funeral industry. Until recently, this really felt like most of our message would fall on deaf ears. My talk at the ICCFA Convention in Las Vegas on Friday did not deter from that message either. During my session I spoke in depth about “Why Having a Trustworthy Online Brand is More Important than Ever.

iccfa tyler yamasaki speaker session

If you missed my talk, here is a brief outline of the things we talked about:

The Internet Generation is coming for the funeral industry.

winter is coming - internet generation is coming

You can’t stay complacent with the way things are or you’ll leave openings for new competitors.

netflix text img

Customers are online and searching for funeral services every month. You can’t ignore this channel.

1.3 million funeral searches

You must learn to build trust with the customer first, before ever trying to sell them any products. You are a deathcare expert that, by the way, also sells merchandise.

build trust first

Immediately afterwards I realized that we are at the dawn of a new era in funeral service. The feedback, questions, and reception I received spoke to how far we have come as an industry. Questions about how to respond to a harsh review left online, how to make changes in business practices to serve the new generation of customer, and even questions about which software providers to use for video conferencing.

It was amazing speaking to funeral home owners who were looking to learn and get a fresh perspective on their business. I felt the same sentiment working our booth and listening to what people were trying to achieve with Parting Pro. It was apparent that owners are really feeling the pressure from families to provide a better, more modern experience – and we’re thankful we’re in the position to help achieve that.

If you missed my talk at ICCFA this year and you’re looking to catch up with me, I’ll be speaking at the Cremation Innovation Summit in Charlotte, NC on May 4. I’ll be speaking about how you can optimize your business to be able to compete with rising cremation rates and lower-priced competitors.