turn funeral home price shoppers into paying families

Mastering the Price Shopper: A Funeral Home’s Guide to Turning Inquiries into Opportunities

Use these proven scripts to help you serve funeral home price shoppers.

Price shoppers are a reality in the funeral industry. While they may initially appear challenging, they also present an opportunity to showcase your value and build trust. Here’s a comprehensive guide to navigating these interactions and converting them into positive experiences.

Building Rapport: Empathy is Key

  • Active Listening: Give undivided attention. Let the caller express their needs and concerns.
  • Compassionate Demeanor: Maintain calmness and patience throughout the conversation. Grief is overwhelming, and a reassuring tone can make a significant difference.
  • Respecting Time Constraints: Understand they might be busy. Offer concise information while remaining open to further questions.

Transparency: Demystifying Costs

  • Clear Pricing: Outline various service options and their associated costs.
  • Detailed Breakdowns: Provide a clear breakdown of what’s included in each package.
  • Upfront Information: Don’t shy away from pricing discussions. Honesty fosters trust.

Shifting the Focus: Value Beyond Price

While cost is a concern, emphasize the value your funeral home offers, even when families arrange services online:

  • Quality of Care: Highlight the professional, compassionate service your staff provides, available through phone, email, and any other options you provide.
  • Supportive Guidance: Offer ongoing support and guidance throughout the planning process, even remotely. Families can reach out with questions or concerns, and your team can provide personalized assistance.
  • Expertise and Knowledge: Emphasize the experience and knowledge your team brings to the online planning process. Families can leverage your expertise to create a meaningful tribute despite the physical distance.

The Follow-Up: Maintaining the Connection

  • Gather Contact Information: Respectfully request an email address or phone number for follow-up.
  • Personalized Email: Send a follow-up email shortly after the call, expressing your concern and offering further assistance.
  • Highlight Online Tools: Include a link to your online planning tools, showcasing transparency and convenience.

PRO-TIP! The built-in proposal email can automate many of these follow-up tasks, saving you time and ensuring consistent communication. However, there’s more to converting price shoppers than just sending an email. Equip your staff with the right conversation starters to navigate these calls and turn them into positive interactions.

Sample Scripts for Engaging Price Shoppers

Scenario 1: Price Shopper Upfront

Caller: “Hello, I’m calling to inquire about your funeral service packages and pricing.”

Staff: “Thank you for calling [Funeral Home Name]. We understand that comparing costs is an important part of the planning process. To provide you with the most accurate information upfront, we have some helpful online tools that allow you to explore various service options and receive real-time cost estimates right away. They offer complete transparency in pricing and give you control over the planning process.  Would you be interested in learning more about them?”

Caller: “Sure, that sounds convenient.”

Staff: (Explain the online tools, highlighting key features like customizable options and real-time cost updates.)

(Continue based on the caller’s interest, potentially offering to walk them through the online tools.)

Scenario 2: Offering Basic Package Details

Caller: “Hi, I’m calling to get some information about cremation costs.”

Staff: “Thanks for calling. We offer a very straightforward cremation package that includes everything you need to get started: transporting your loved one from the place of death, filing the necessary paperwork like death certificates and permits, the cremation itself, and a basic container for the cremated remains. All of that is included for $1295.”

Caller: “That sounds reasonable.  Is there anything else I should know?”

Staff: “Absolutely!  There are some additional options you can choose from, like a memorial service or a more decorative urn.  But for a simple cremation, that package covers everything.  Would you like an email with more details on the basic package and our online tools to explore other options?”

Caller: “Sure, that would be helpful.”

Staff: “Great!  Just to send you the info, can I grab your email address?”

Scenario 3: Price Shopper After Initial Inquiry

Caller: “Thanks for explaining your services. Can I get a price quote for a basic cremation package?”

Staff: “Absolutely. While I can give you a general range here, we have a great online tool that allows you to personalize your cremation arrangements and get a more accurate cost estimate based on your specific needs. It’s very user-friendly and takes just a few minutes to complete. Would you like to know more about that?”

Caller: “That might be helpful, actually.”

Staff: “Sure, no problem! The online tool lets you choose the cremation service type and customize options like memorial services or urn selections, with the total cost automatically updated. It allows you to compare different options at your own pace. Can I get your email and I’ll send that right over”

Scenario 4: Addressing Concerns About Online Tools

Caller: “I appreciate you explaining these online tools, but I’m not very comfortable doing things online.”

Staff: “That’s completely understandable. While our online tools offer convenience and transparency, we understand that everyone has their preferences.  You’re still welcome to schedule a meeting to discuss your options in person. However, our online tools can be a helpful resource to explore beforehand and get a general idea of costs and service details.”

Caller: “Okay, that might be helpful after all. Can you give me the website address so I can take a look?”

Staff: “Certainly! If I can get your email address I can actually send you the link”

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