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Employee Spotlight: Jenny Edmondson

Explore the story of Jenny Edmondson in our Employee Spotlight. Discover her role, achievements, and the impact she has on our team and company culture

Basic Information

  • Name: Jenny Edmondson
  • Job Title: Customer Support Manager
  • Department: Customer Support
  • Location: Las Vegas, USA

Professional Background

How long have you been with Parting Pro?
Almost 2 ½ years

What motivated you to join Parting Pro?
I had worked with accounting software for many years on the support side and wanted to support a unique product. The cremation industry and process has always fascinated me, so this was a win/win!

What do you find most rewarding about your work at Parting Pro, particularly in relation to our customers?
Individuals who choose to work in the funeral industry have chosen a profession that demands compassion. We’re assisting folks who are helping families through their worst days, and knowing we’re making their jobs a little easier so they can put more of their energy into helping those families is quite rewarding.

Personal Insights

Can you walk us through a typical day at work and how you interact with customers?
A typical day starts with checking on open communications with customers and resolving open tickets. The day is then filled with meetings with other team members, messaging with customers and resolving issues, messaging with third-party vendors about any application issues, updating documentation, and creating content. Because it’s Customer Support, we’re reactive, so we never know how much we will be able to accomplish outside of the messaging queue depending on how busy things get. Every day goes by pretty quickly!

What strategies do you use to stay motivated and deliver exceptional service to our customers?
Knowing that we, as a company, are striving to improve our product to help these funeral directors focus their energies on helping grieving families provides great motivation. We’re fortunate to have the opportunity to assist these amazing individuals.

Share a memorable experience with a customer that stands out in your career at Parting Pro.
I recall a phone conversation with a funeral director who was working with an older woman attempting to make arrangements for her husband. She was having trouble reading some of the forms, and the funeral director requested to have the font increased so she could read it. We were able to make the changes very quickly as they were on a deadline, and he resent the forms. She was able to complete them without issue, and both were truly grateful.

What are your interests and hobbies outside of work that help you stay balanced?
I lift weights during the week to build strength. My husband and I love movies, so we try to get out and see a new one each weekend. Since moving to Vegas, I’ve found a love of slot gambling, so you’ll find me in the casino at least once a week. I’m on the gambler’s quest to win a jackpot!

What’s one unique or surprising fact about you that most people don’t know?
I played handbells for Music City Bronze, a premier handbell choir in Nashville, many years ago. I had to give it up when we moved to Pittsburgh and have yet to find another choir with which to play, sadly.

Customer Focus

How does your role directly impact the funeral homes and families we serve?
Currently, I respond directly to customers and assist my team members with issues in need of escalation. Getting issues resolved and tasks completed quickly is our primary goal, helping our customers serve their families the best they can.

What do you believe is the most valuable feature of Parting Pro’s services for our customers?
Personal relationships with our customers. They know they can reach out to us and speak to a live person who interacts as their friend because we ARE their friend. They know most requests will be handled quickly and efficiently. We’re here to help them help others.

Can you share a piece of feedback from a customer that made a significant impression on you?
Anytime someone takes the time to give a shoutout means the world to us. We see words like awesome, timely, efficient, kind, knowledgeable, and empathetic frequently, which reminds me of how amazing our support team is.

What upcoming developments at Parting Pro are you most excited about for our customers?
We are pushing out the new checklist, and this is a very exciting development that we know can help the daily routine of any user in Parting Pro! Details coming soon!

Tell us about a role model or mentor who has inspired you.
My father, as cliché as that sounds. He was the most patient, compassionate, and loving person I’ve ever known. He taught me about the importance of relationships and truly listening to and helping others.

Closing Thoughts

Is there anything else you would like to share with our customers about your experience or Parting Pro’s services?
Anytime I tell folks about what I do and who I work for, they grimace because no one wants to talk about death. I then have an opportunity to talk about the importance of companies like this in helping an industry that is quite challenging to navigate. Bottom line is that everyone will die and someone will need to handle their passing. As a person grieves, the last thing they want to do is deal with legal forms and the final process. Isn’t it nice to know there is a company like Parting Pro out there to make that process easier?

What advice would you give to funeral homes considering partnering with Parting Pro?
We have an amazing product that – if you allow it to – can help you manage your cases and free up time to help more families. We’re constantly working to improve our product and are always listening to our customers’ requests for improvements and new features. You can always talk to a live person during business hours, and you know you are valued