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Educating Families on Memorial Options: Beyond the Upsell

Learn how to educate families about memorial options in a way that prioritizes their needs over sales tactics. Discover strategies for providing genuine value and enhancing client satisfaction.

The funeral industry often faces criticism for perceived upselling, where families feel pressured into purchasing more expensive items during an emotionally vulnerable time. However, there is a profound difference between upselling and genuinely educating families about their memorial options. Meaningful conversations can transform the experience, ensuring that families feel supported and informed rather than pressured.

Personal Reflection: The Importance of Educating Families

Early on in my career as a funeral director, I experienced a touching moment that underscored the importance of educating families about their memorial options. A family came to pick up their loved one’s remains and noticed our display of fingerprint memorial jewelry. They expressed regret, saying they wished they had known about this option earlier. Unfortunately, after cremation, it was too late to obtain the fingerprints. I realized that while I had asked them if they were interested in memorial items, I had failed to help them understand what those items entailed. This experience has profoundly shaped my approach to these crucial conversations.

Understanding the Difference Between Upselling and Educating

As funeral directors, we often walk a fine line between providing necessary information and sounding like salespeople. Upselling is a sales tactic where customers are encouraged to purchase more expensive items or add-ons, often driven by a desire to increase revenue rather than meet the customer’s needs. In contrast, educating involves providing comprehensive information and guidance to help families make informed decisions that best honor their loved ones. This approach is rooted in empathy and respect, focusing on what is best for the family rather than what is most profitable.

The Role of Meaningful Conversations

When a family loses a loved one, they are faced with numerous decisions during a period of immense emotional stress. As funeral directors, we play a crucial role in guiding them through this process. A simple, yet profound, conversation can reveal much about a family’s needs, preferences, and values. By asking thoughtful questions and actively listening, we can tailor our offerings to better suit each family’s unique situation.

Understanding Grief and Memorialization

Grief hits everyone differently. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions—sadness, anger, guilt—you name it. And when someone’s going through it, they need support and understanding. Giving them the space to feel and mourn is key. That’s where memorialization comes in handy. It’s like having a tangible piece of your loved one to hold onto. Whether it’s a personalized memorial or a special ritual, it helps keep their memory alive and gives comfort during tough times.

One of the key aspects of these conversations is understanding how the family wants to grieve and memorialize their loved one. This involves asking questions such as:

  • How would you like to remember your loved one?
  • What types of keepsakes or mementos would help you feel connected to your loved one on a daily basis?
  • Would you prefer a traditional urn, a scattering tube, or a biodegradable option?

These questions open the door to discussing various merchandise options that families might not be aware of, such as personalized urns, cremation jewelry, or eco-friendly burial options.

Setting Expectations from the Start

For funeral homes with online stores, these platforms are an effective way to showcase the wide range of merchandise available. However, the initial contact with a family is crucial. It’s important to set expectations early on and inform families that they will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of memorial products. Additionally, asking them early about their plans and offering recommendations can be incredibly helpful. This proactive approach can ease the decision-making process and prepare families for the options they will encounter.

The Positive Impact of Educating Families

Our Head of Merchandising, Caroline, has shared valuable insights on this topic in a recent podcast episode. Data from Parting Pro’s extensive experience with online arrangements, as highlighted by Caroline, shows a 58% increase in merchandise purchases when funeral directors engage in meaningful conversations. Families who are informed about their options and understand the significance of different memorial items are more likely to choose products that resonate with them, rather than defaulting to the least expensive or most familiar options. This increase in sales is not due to pressure but rather the family’s genuine interest in products that hold sentimental value.

Case Study: Real Results

One funeral home that incorporated these conversations into their process saw remarkable results. By simply adding a few minutes of discussion about memorialization preferences into their standard practice, they increased their merchandise sales by over 50%. This not only boosted their revenue but also enhanced the service they provided to grieving families, ensuring that the memorial items chosen truly honored their loved ones.

Tips for Educating Families Effectively

To help your funeral home achieve similar success, consider these tips:

  1. Create a Comfortable Environment: Ensure that families feel safe and respected. A compassionate, open approach encourages honest communication.
  2. Ask Open-Ended Questions: Instead of yes/no questions, ask questions that require more thoughtful responses, allowing families to express their true wishes.
  3. Listen Actively: Show empathy and understanding. Repeat back key points to confirm understanding and show that you value their input.
  4. Educate on Options: Provide information on the variety of memorial products available. Use visuals or catalogs to help families visualize their choices.
  5. Follow Up: Sometimes families need time to consider their options. Follow up with them to see if they have any further questions or have made a decision.
  6. Highlight Online Store: During initial contact, inform families about the online store and guide them on how to explore the merchandise. This sets the stage for their decision-making process.


In conclusion, the funeral industry’s path to success lies in a fundamental shift from hard-selling tactics to empowering families with knowledge and choice. Through proactive education and the provision of Online Arrangements, funeral homes can enable families to navigate their options independently, fostering trust and autonomy. By prioritizing meaningful conversations and emphasizing informed decision-making, whether face-to-face or online, we not only enhance the service provided but also ensure that families feel respected and valued during their most difficult moments. This transformation in approach not only serves the families’ needs more effectively but also has the potential to redefine perceptions within the industry, ultimately leading to more fulfilling and meaningful experiences for all involved.

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